New Logo Stinger for Raccoon and Wildlife Removal Videos

The New Logo Stinger will open Videos showing the safe removal of Raccoon and other Wildlife from homeowners Attic’s.

Critter Done Lanches New Logo Stinger

The Critter One Animal Control logo stinger will be at the beginning of each video for branding purposes.

Critter One Animal Control is a Professional Wild Life Removal Company that serves San Antonio, New Braunfels, and South Texas.  Critter One Animal Control, safely removes Raccoons, Foxes, Squirrels, Skunks, Snakes and other pesky Critters from homeowner and Business Attics and between walls.

Critter One stands behind their Home Shield with a 15 Month Guarantee.  If by chance the Rodents return within 15-Month’s, Critter One Animal Control’s team will return and extract the unwanted pest at No Charge.

For Professional Raccoon, Snakes, Skunks, and Squirrel removal, Call Critter One Animal Control for a Free Home Inspection at (726) 200-1018.

The post New Logo Stinger for Raccoon and Wildlife Removal Videos first appeared on Critter One.