Things To Look For When Critter-Proofing Your Home

Here are a few quick and easy tips to make sure your home is wildlife-free. Check your garage, attic, and backyard, as these are places that can be easily overlooked.

Keep it clean — Storing your pet food in a container and putting leftover food away might seem like simple tasks, but they are highly overlooked and food is a key element that may attract wildlife into a home. Make sure your trash can is covered at all times and removing any brush from your yard can help as well. Not only does this help you prepare for the upcoming holidays, but it also ensures that you leave no room for entertaining the wrong guest.

Call a professional — If you find droppings or other signs of wildlife infestations, now is a great time to call a professional. Wildlife can cause costly home damage if not treated right away. The team at Critter One are experts when it comes to trapping and humanely removing pesky rodents. Part of the removal process is relocating the animals within a 10-mile radius of your home so that they won’t find a way back in.

These tips will help you manage and control any unwanted pest this winter. In the event that you do encounter wildlife in or around your home, call Critter One Animal Control to help you be critter free, backed with a guarantee!

The post Things To Look For When Critter-Proofing Your Home first appeared on Critter One.